Our team is working to bring together legacy SPIRE & Hiway systems. During this time, you may have accounts on one or both systems. This will be the case until we bring our core and digital banking systems together in the fall of 2024.
For more information, please contact us or visit your local Blaze branch.
Legacy Hiway Accounts
You can easily add a new deposit account or apply for a loan in digital banking. Just log in using the first tab in the Login area on our homepage or the Blaze CU Mobile: Legacy Hiway app.
If you need additional assistance, please book an appointment at your usual branch.
Deposit Accounts
Navigate to Services > Add an Account
Consumer Loans & Credit Cards
Navigate to Services > Apply for a Loan
If you haven't enrolled in digital banking, apply here
Legacy SPIRE Accounts
Former SPIRE members can add new deposit accounts or apply for a loan as follows:
Deposit Accounts
Please book an appointment at your usual branch.
Consumer Loans & Credit Cards
Access digital banking using the second tab in the Login area on our homepage or the Blaze CU Mobile: Legacy SPIRE app.
Navigate to Accounts > Apply for Loan
If you haven't enrolled in digital banking, apply here
Joined after January 1, 2024?
Depending on which branch you opened your accounts at, you will either be on the legacy Hiway or the legacy SPIRE system.
If you are unsure of which option you should be using to add an account or apply for a loan, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you.